HI all

I need someone to point me in the right direction so that i can find out more about the active and current bits in a ul used for navigation like this -

<ul id="topnav">
*<li id="active">*<a href="#" *id="current"*> link</a></li>
<li><a href="#">link</a></li>
<li><a href="#">link</a></li>

this is one of the lists off css.maxdesign but i dont actually understand what the /active /and /current /is referring to.. what it does or if i even need to use it. There is no reference to either in the style sheet so whats it all about.

I have more than one ul list in the page so obviously if i am using the same style of list again i will have to make the <li /*id*/="active"> a class instead. But do i even need to have active and current ids/classes in there at all.

Sorry if that sounds a tad jumbled but its been a long day.

Any explanations or links to explanations would be greatly appreciated


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