
I am currently using Sebastian Bergmann's phpOpenTracker:

>> http://www.phpopentracker.de/en/index.php

It's a complete framework for website analysis with a powerful (free to 
configure) interface, using mySQL and PHP.
Unfortunately, this tracker also can mess up your html by using session-IDs.

I once had to face a validation problem with a tracker and finally could manage 
to present a standards compliant site using this method:

Edit the webserver's php.ini-file and add the following lines:
   ini_set(âsession.use_trans_sidâ, false);

The first statement prevents the use of a transparent session ID, the second 
one prevents the url of being rewritten with the tracker's session ID.

In a nutshell: You only have some PHP-code in the head-tag of your website 
which is then generated into an 'invisible' call to the tracker.

As long as you are a bit common to PHP and do not interfere with any 
security-conditions concerning the webserver you may also find that 
interesting. (Also a suitable solution for any other tracker using php.)


-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of The Snider's Web
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 2:31 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: Re: [WSG] valid tracker code


I am delurking as I may have the answer to your question :) I just found a 
free hit counter/tracker this morning that not only can include valid code 
but also valid xhtml code, a rare thing. You can see it 

Haven't used it yet, but from what I see so far it looks great :)



At 01:14 PM 2/16/2005 +0000, you wrote:
>Do any of you wizards know of a (free) tracker which actually validates when
>used with xhtml strict? Or indeed, ANY tracker with valid code?
>Bob McClelland,

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