Hi Guys,


I am having a little problem with at the following site:




Relevant style sheet:




IE mac doesn’t show the background color on the main content div. The layout is a fairly simple 3 column layout using floated divs and left and right margins on the main element. There is a clearer div on the main element but IE5 doesn’t seem to respect it, collapsing the background completely.


This error is repeated on other pages within the site that are using a similar 2 column layout. If anyone has any ideas (I have been reading about some IE5 mac float issues, but most seem to suggest a hidden style sheet fix – would prefer to avoid that (I’ve already had to hack the nav style sheet.


And if you have time to look over the site for any other problems that would be good (holds breath).

There is a page that is not validating (registration form) due to some php inserted hidden fields, but the rest should be ok validation-wise


Any help much appreciated.



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