
[I've run this by moderators to ok it]

The Brain Injury Resource Foundation


Is a charity very relevant to the ideals of this list (and to Russ and Peter's recent article regarding accessibility and cognitive impairment)

Presently they are redoing their site to be standards based and accessible as possible. They've run into some Javascript issues they are having difficulty solving. If any of you fine JS gurus out there have a little bit of time to help them solve this (I really don't think it is much from what I can tell) could you drop me a line offlist and I'll put you in touch with them.

Thanks in advance,


John Allsopp

:: westciv :: http://www.westciv.com/
software, courses, resources for a standards based web
:: style master blog :: http://westciv.typepad.com/dog_or_higher/

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