On Tue, 22 Feb 2005 06:56:38 +1100, James Gollan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would anyone have the time to look over the following site?
Any feedback much appreciated.
www.organicexpo.com.au <http://www.organicexpo.com.au/>
Impressive. Nice use of the full window, easy to navigate, and read. Looks good in XP_SP2 IE6.0/FF1.0/Opera7.54u1. Layout holds well on zoom. Nice strong use of color, and in keeping with the with current international contempory art, and color trend. Not sure if your site reminds me of The Gates< http://www.nytimes.com/ref/arts/design/GATES-REF.html?excamp=GGGNthegates>. Or vice versa.
Either way, nice job, James!


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