Rachel Campbell wrote:

I've just noticed that this fix makes #footer come up the page; unfortunately it needs to stay at the bottom of the page, below #leftcolumn. Any ideas as to how that can be achieved?

div#columns {min-height: 50em;} ... is the proper way to space down the main columns and push footer into proper position. The actual value tuned to something suitable. However, now we enter the world of browser-weaknesses once more, since neither IE/win nor Safari or IE/Mac understands 'min-height'...

div#columns {min-height: 50em; float: left; width: 400px;}
@media all {
* html div#columns {height: 50em;}
... now IE/win is happy, but Safari and IE/Mac is left out.

So the above is no good. See it as informative, or rather "normative",
but useless.

In order to make *all* browsers happy, we have to change slightly on the
original fix - feeding it to IE/win only.

The correct fix:
1: Take out previous fix.

2: Add this to bottom of stylesheet:
@media all {
* html div#columns {height: 50em; float: left; width: 400px;}
* html div#leftcolumn {margin-right: -163px; height: auto}
* html div#wrapper2 {height: 0;}

I've made use of IE/win's 'container-expansion' here, so neither width
nor height will be respected if they are too small. Thus we have
min-height and min-width in IE/win, and the footer stays down.

Opera, Moz/FF, Safari and IE/Mac will see a normal div#leftcolumn, and
make the footer stay below it. Didn't test on Mac btv.

So, you have a working solution - figured out through a couple of trips
across the buggy browser-land.

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