Untitled DocumentIn an effort to make our company's code XHTML 1.1 compliant
and more semantic (we were loosely following XHTML 1.0 Trans but now want to
more ridigly follow it), I was brainstorming for conventions and best
practices. I came up with an idea pertaining to general lists that I'd like
your input on.

Looking back at our sites, we would generally produce lists (such as news
articles with dates, summaries, leading into full pages), or products,
upcoming events, articles (.e.g
http://www.wigley.co.nz/mainsite/LatestArticles.html)  etc, in two general

1. Divs with nested headers/paragraphs. E.g.

<div id="LatestNews">
<h1>Latest News</h2>
<h2><a href="FullArticle.html>News Item One</a></h2>
<p><span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</p>
<h2><a href="FullArticle2.html>News Item Two</a></h2>
<p><span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</p>

Or, a wee bit nicer, use an unordered list, almost identically:

<div id="LatestNews">
<h1>Latest News</h2>
<li><a href="FullArticle.html" class="Heading">News Item One</a></h2>
<span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</li>
<h2><a href="FullArticle2.html"  class="Heading">News Item Two</a></h2>
<span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</li>

However, it occured to when reading the XHTML 1.1 doctype's list module,
that it would be appropriate to use the definition list (dl, dt, dd) for
lists where you had a clear heiracy of titles and associated information
about them. The first example shows the proper heirachy between h1,h2 (news
article) and introduction, but doesn't give any semantic idea that the h2's
are all related in a list.

So, you could do this:

<div id="LatestNews">
<h1>Latest News</h2>
<dt><a href="FullArticle.html">News Item One</a></dt>
<dd><span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</dd>

<dt><a href="FullArticle2.html"  class="Heading">News Item Two</a></dt>
<dd><span class="Date">20/10/05</span> Introduction goes here...</dd>

This gives both the idea of "list of items" and that the list has 'titles'
and 'descriptions'... I also went back to the W3C and determined that it is
a requirement of the html401 spec to allow multiple DDs for a DT. (e.g. if
your DT was for a word that had several meanings. Even Netscape 4 supports
it!), so you could even do the following, which I feel most comfortable

<div id="LatestNews">
<h1>Latest News</h2>
<dt><a href="FullArticle.html">News Item One</a></dt>
<dd class="date">20/10/05</dd>
<dd class="intro"> Introduction goes here...</dd>

<dt><a href="FullArticle2.html"  class="Heading">News Item Two</a></dt>
<dd class="date">20/10/05</dd>
<dd class="intro"> Introduction goes here...</dd>

While I do understand the DL is for a definition list, the W3C provide
another acceptable use of it as a transcript of people talking. To me, this
seems like another appropriate use that was simply not dreamed of years ago
when the spec was built--I can't see any places where this is used, not that
I looked around much ...

Ideas? Opinions?


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