
I'm puzzled because I'm using Windows XP Home edition and checked the site
in IE 6 and FF 1.0, and the logo isn't skewed. I'm using absolute
positioning for the logo, therefore if any of the many WSG experts can
provide some advice, or solution it would be greatly appreicated.

I'd say you are assuming everybody has the same screen resolution as you (looks like it's built for 1024x768, not accounting for wider or narrower scrollbars, side panels, non maximised windows etc).

At 800x600, the logo shifts to the right (over the top of other pictures) and at resolutions above 1024x768 it sticks out on the left. Stats vary, but this site will have the formatting problem for a sizeable portion of visitors (perhaps half),

The absolute positioning you mentioned is the cause of your problem.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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