On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:32:19 -0500, Hopkins Programming <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can ya give it a once-over and let...]
Website URI: <http://www.hopkinsprogramming.net/>

XP_SP2 Opera.54/FF1.0.1/IE6.0
Take all of this with a grain of salt, not as cruel and unusual punishment, as I often have nothing better to do than nit-pick:
I find the funky font on the strange blue shape difficult to read. I think I might find the funky font difficult to read even if it was not on top of a strange blue shape. There seems to be no means of navigation, or text for the images, when images are disabled in Opera or FF; and same for IE in "accessibility mode." Incidentally, frames are disabled in Opera(default). Lynx seems fine, although a source ordered document might be an advantage? You have a couple of minor parse errors on the CSS file. HTML validates.
--Zachary Hopkins
de gustibus non est disputandum

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