Happy Easter to all!

So I've done some fiddling with overflow : auto, and failed. My problem is
(as far as I can see) that one has to specify a height for the div which has
overflow:auto, and I don't know how to set the height to fill the viewport
space under the menu. Normally I'd set it to 100%, but that gives me all
kinds of problems. Firstly, if I pick the 'happy medium' of 1024 by 768 and
give the div a height of 500px, it looks great. When I resize to 800 x 600
however, I get 2 vertical scrollbars - the one in the div and the one in the
browser itself. So I set the overflow to hidden on the body, and that solved
that, but what remains is still a clumsy looking mess.

The effect I'm after can be seen by going to:


and when you get in, select the 200k max link.  You will see a long list of
houses for sale. The list can be scrolled, whilst the menu on the left stays
put. Great!

However, my attempt ( which can be seen at:

http://www.kernowproperties.fsnet.co.uk/propertydetails/noframes_200kmax.html )

shows my problem:  I cannot set the height so that it makes good use of the
viewport area - what fits in 800 x 600 looks ridiculous in 1240 by 1024.
etc etc.

OK, maybe I'm missing a trick here (do please tell me!) but if not, it looks
as though this solution isn't one, after all.

Your comments, suggestions and general help would be most welcome.


Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

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