On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 12:31:25 +0100, Vaska.WSG <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The tricky part, since I can't do this with a span (I believe) is that I only want class='sentence' to be just the width of the word itself (just as a span does it)

a bit offtopic note:

From CSS point of view there is no difference between tags.
You can* do same things with <span>, <div>, <b>, <table> or even apply
styles to <title> and <meta> tags.

*) except old buggy browsers, ofcourse

Magic: span {display: block;} div {display: inline;} and you have presenation of those two swapped!

This doesn't affect HTML, which still has to follow
it's own rules and should carry semantics.

-- regards, Kornel Lesiński

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