On 7 Apr 2005, at 4:23 AM, Paul wrote:

Hi, Have a page that seems to be lining up fine everywhere I am checking ( Opera, Firefox, IE ), validates fine but is a little off on a MAC, seems like a margin is pushing the grey box in the middle, towards the right. Sorry no screenshot but the page is http://www.kinggeorgev.ca/test_1.php .. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Doubt that this page validates... amazed if it does.

- DOCTYPE is incomplete
- No <body> tag in code

Guess that shows to go yer how tolerant 4.01 Transitional is...

Other errors (well, less than ideal coding practices)  include:

- use of tables for layout
- use of <span class='heading'> - that's what <h1>, <h2> etc is for
- use of image for background of content_table - layout breaks on text zoom because image is fixed size. Style table (or preferably div) with css.
- inconsistencies in the css - eg { border: none 1px;} - which is it?
- use of {position: relative} - why?
- use of underscores in id and class names - will give problems in some browsers
- #main_table {height: 100%; height: 13px;} - which is it?
- use of px for font size - ems is better

Oh, and the specific problem you asked about:

It's not 'on a Mac', it's 'in IE5 on a Mac'. Safari renders your page fine. Anyway, fix the above first, and then see if the problem persists - but I suspect it's IE5's disliking of shorthand css. Try {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} instead of {margin: auto;}.


Omnivision. Websight.

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