On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 10:16:45 -0400, Alan Trick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But is it worth looking into for more than just flash videos/
games and sIFR?

With smelling salts in hand, I offer a words on this topic.

Currently speaking, and screen readers aside - as I doubt Flash works with screen readers - [cracks open smelling salts for the hard-core folks here] most links, if not all, on a Flash site "page" can be tabbed through without lifting a finger (no pun intended). There is a palette for tab index control, name and desc. of link. There is also an SDK for search engine devs to supposedly index Flash pages. Also, I have seen it possible to export the contents of a Flash page as HTML/text and stick in <noscript> tags for indexing/viewing [cracks a second smelling salts]. I'm not saying this is right/wrong or good/bad... I'm not stupid enough to get into that on a standards list... I'm just saying it's possible.


Tom Livingston
Senior Multimedia Artist
Media Logic

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