
As a newbie to CSS, I do not know what this does:

#masthead span { position: absolute; left: -500px; width: 500px; }

Would appreciate your explanation - thanks!


-----Original Message-----

There are so many ways to do this but I would not use a spacer gif. One
way you could go is:

<div id="masthead">
<a href="";><span>My Site</span></a>

#masthead { width: 750px; height: 100px; background: blah... } #masthead
a { display: block; width: 750px; height: 100px; } #masthead span {
position: absolute; left: -500px; width: 500px; }

Be warned, this was written quickly without any checking, so be careful

The advantage with this method is that for non-css users they will get
your text. Also, when you go to print it you can use this text version
if you need to, instead of a background image. There is also another
advantage. You can set the a element to any size - it does not need to
be the entire size of the banner - you could have it only the size of a
logo within the banner image. So, in some ways this method gives you a
good degree of flexibility.

However, like all methods there are good and bad. Worth looking at a
range of them and deciding what is right for your needs.


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