I've never tried testing my code for accessibility before but I'm becoming more interested in the topic. After some web-research, I've found a mountian of information/guidelines/priority checkpoints (etc., etc.) to wade through and consider. My eyes are glazing over.
First question: Is there a site anywhere that can tell me (clearly and concisely) something like:
To achieve section 508 compliance you have to: 1) do this, 2) do that, 3) do the other thing.
Most of the stuff I've seen is very heavy on reasons, but somewhat light on the "you just need to include this, in this way" type of information.
Second question:
Just as a test, I ran one of my pages through a site called the Cynthia Says Portal (http://www.contentquality.com/Default.asp)
According to the Section 508 report option (as well as the WCAG - Priority 1,2,3 option) the pages I submitted to the validator all "passed" according to the validator's result list.
Well, that made me smile - but also wonder at the same time.
Are these kind of sites a reliable way to verfiy code for Accessibility for Section 508 and/or WCAG Checkpoints?
Like, if a client were to say to me "Is the site 508 compliant?" can I say, "well, yeah, the Cynthia Says portal reported that it was. Good enough for me."
Is there a better on-line validator I should be running my pages through vs Cynthia Says? Since I've become interested in this issue , I want to start off on the right foot in order to make sure these automated, web-based results are telling me what I need to hear.
Bottom line is that I guess it'ss hard for me to believed that I've "aced-it" on the first time out.
Any and all input greatly appreciated.
Cole Kuryakin
Subic Bay, Philippines

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