Hi Guys and gals,

I have been trying to present the information relating to a novel in a more
interesting style than 'just text' or indeed three columns, and have
experimented with a sort of newspaper style. The newspaper is a fictitious
one which is mentioned often in the novel, and my effort can be seen
(in isolation from the rest of the site) at:


The original design I produced and am modifying can be seen at
www.novelnovella.com .

I have used floats (of course!) and the 'layout is supposed to work like:

leftcol   rightcol
leftcol rightcol

I would be most grateful for any general feedback : does it work as a
design? Does it work (esp on MAC) as it's supposed to?  Is there anything
glaringly bad about it? You get the idea. It works for me in FF1.0, IE6,
IE5.5, Opera 7, all on PC.

Many thanks,

Bob McClelland,
Cornwall (U.K.)

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