Ive made a little demo site, that shows my problem clearly http://www.tres.dk/test

I want the container div to follow the heights of the floating
elements, #left and #right In Internet Explorer it does, but not in
Firefox, Opera, Safair or any other browser. The height is 100% as
default right ? so that’s not the case here. The margin is 0px also.

The question is: 100% of what. Not even IE knows that, it just expands the container until everything fits inside. This means that even 1% or 0 as height-value will trigger this expansion-bug in IE, and we use that bug for this very purpose.

Most other browsers won't expand containers with floats inside, unless
you give them something to clear on below those floats.
Any element with 'clear: both' on will do, placed just above the closing
div for the outer container.
You can also try setting 'overflow: hidden' on the outer container, or
apply some other CSS clearing-method.

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