Alan Trick wrote:
Hi, I've been playing around with positioning and z-index and I'm wondering if it is possible to give a containing box higher z-index that it's children. As far as I have been able to tell, ( in firefox/opera ) it doesn't work. I have a <ul> with a background:transparent url(image) no repeat, and I need the <li>'s to
be under that background image. Alan Trick

If you try to make the foreground of an element go behind its own background, than it doesn't work. A background has its stacking fixed to its element = background is not a child. Use some sort of "off-left" or "image-replacement" for that purpose.

Layering of nested elements is another matter -- with its own problems.
Nesting and stacking doesn't work well in some browsers, and Opera can't
stack floats.
Cross-browser test page:
...conclusion noted on page.

Some faulty layering affecting links:
...conclusion noted on page.

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