On 30/4/05 12:31 AM, "Drake, Ted C." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The top nav does bizarre things when you get off the index page. On one
> page, the tabs were replaced with underlined text, yet the dropdowns
> continued to work. When I went deeper, the navigation was missing entirely.

Thanks for your feedback Ted. This is a site I started working on well
before I had ever heard of web standards and table-less layouts. The site
has over 1,000 pages so far but will probably have over 5,000 plus a
database by the time I'm done.

My original table-based layout is weighed down by lots of javascript for
drop-down menus and this was only going to get worse. Instead of continuing
with this non-web-standards design, I decided that all new sections of the
site will be created using web standards. Eventually I will transfer all
current pages into this design as well. But at the moment, only pages in the
"world-u23-championships" directory
<http://www.rowinghistory-aus.info/world-u23-championships/> have this new

I'm presuming that the "bizarre things" you noticed were because you
navigated outside the "world-u23-championships" directory. If this is NOT
the case, please let me know!


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