On 2/5/05 8:04 AM, "Matt Thommes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I experience this "vertical line" problem quite a bit. It only happens
> on my Mac - using Firefox.
> It's something to do with Firefox, because it doesn't seem to happen
> in any other browser.
> Also, I don't recommend Firefox for the Mac. For the PC, it's great.
> The Mac version has issues.

Issues? The only serious one I've come across is the completely
non-functional "Import from file" feature. It also delivers more JavaScript
errors than any other browser on either platform (apologies to Linux users).
Camino has even more issues (naturally, at v0.8.4), but access to the Web
Developer toolbar for Firefox certainly makes up for any (real or imagined)
shortcomings for anyone hoping to use Web Standards.

(For the record, Firefox is my primary browser on both platforms.)

Sorry if this is off-topic.

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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