
You have:
> #draft table{padding:0 15px 0 25px;}

Ideally with 
<div id="draft">

you want to either add padding to 

or margin to the 
#draft table

Padding puts space inside between the element and its content

Margin sets amount of space outside an element. (in this case, you
want margin around the outside of the table)

Also, i think it would be in your best interests to validate your
work.  There are heaps of issues reported when I validate it.


Ned Collyer


> Any ideas on how this could be fixed?
> Thanks heaps!
> Andreas Boehmer
> User Experience Consultant
> Phone: (03) 9386 8907
> Mobile: (0411) 097 038
> Consulting | Accessibility | Usability | Development
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