Ingo Chao wrote:

a.p. #menu
solid clearer
float #center-layout

  <div id="page">
    <ul id="menu">...</ul>
    <div class="clear"><!-- --></div>
    <div id="center-layout">...</div>

.clear { clear: both; height: 0;} /* solid clearer which has layout */

For complaints about the illogical clearer fix please write to IE7 dev team ...

p.s.: this construct:

#center-layout { margin: 0pt 2em 2em 12em; float: left; ...}
* html #center-layout { margin: 0pt 2em 2em 6em; ...}

is not needed anymore, thanks to:

#center-layout { margin: 0pt 2em 2em 12em; float: left; display: inline; ...}
is all you need to fix the doubling-margin bug.

Thanks Ingo,

Putting a clearer element between #menu and #center-layout did the trick. I thought I had tried that before. Obviously not. :-)

I prefer that solution to moving the AP #menu to the bottom of the content because it will display the menu in the "wrong "place for browsers with css turned off. Other than that I agree that the placement of #menu in the content shouldn't matter.

I laugh at your comment to send complaints about the illogical clearer fix to the IE7 development team each time I read it.

Thanks for the suggestion to add /display: inline/ to the #center-layout.. It helped me to get rid of the hacks from the css file.


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