> I was wondering whether it is better to use the import command in the main
> style sheet and import the other style sheets that way or to have multiple
> link hrefs to stylesheets or whether it makes no difference how you do it.

@import will stop working at 2 levels deep (an @imported stylesheet
will import another, but that second @imported file won't import a
thrid) -- or as is my understanding (sorry, can't find reference atm)
It doesn't really make a difference. The main factor in my mind is
browser negotiation. Which browsers do you want to serve your CSS to?

Is the type.css file simple CSS1? If so, perhaps use the plain old
<link /> method (with media='screen' or 'all' ONLY) so NN4 can get
some nicer typographic styling...

The print one is simple -- <link media='print' />

If you've got crazy floated column madness (who doesn't?), I'd import
that one like this:

<style media="screen,projection" type="text/css">
/* block IEmac 'cause it tends to bork with float layouts \*/
@import url(layout.css);
/* that'll do nicely */

the media attribute value of 'screen,projection' will block NN4, the
comment hack will block IEmac. The 'projection' value tells Opera to
use this stylesheet in the rare occassion that someone views your site
in Opera's full screen/projection mode.

It's a bit old now, but I wrote an article about this stuff last year:

hope that helps :)


p.s -- Helen, I think we were both on a Blackboard conference call
together last week! (Im with Griffith uni) Small world! ;)
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