Patrick Lauke wrote:

Geoff Deering

True, but that does mean that the W3C is in a position to release
a spec for the *format*.

I can't see what the point is. The W3C has no control over Java or many other technologies that are proprietry or closed, but that does not stop them from becoming or meeting W3C standards or compliance.

Geoff, don't misunderstand me. I'm not advocating that only W3C technologies
should be used, and that Flash is in any way bad. I was merely replying to
the "do the W3C have specs for Flash" question that was originally

Thanks for clarifying that, now that I look back at the discussion I see the thread of the logic now:-)

I see your point (unless I'm misunderstanding): the W3C should provide standard
and compliance requirements for any type of content, be it Java, Flash, PDF, etc
But this does seem well beyond the W3C's remit, and yes it goes against their
utopian "but we have all these wonderful technologies of our own...SMIL/SVG/co"

I think it is the best of both world. If it is an open specification developed by the W3C then that is obviously going to provide a better premise to work from, but if it is proprietry, then it's also okay as long as it meets the various standards.

But the W3C has become so complex that anyone working in one area may not realise that they may possibily be not working properly with other standards. At the same time, from what I have seen, they really do work hard at trying to be inclusive of everyones needs.

And another thing, the effort developer put into dealing with this is not recipricated, in my view, by many of the companies producing the tools.

Very true.


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