Title: RE: absolute positioning, objects & inputs - FIXED

 Sorry, cancel that! Have fixed it, you have to place an <iframe> directly below the absolutely positioned <div> on a lower z-index to fix <select>s showing through in IE.


In my case (not the example above) I need _javascript_ to dynamically set it's x,y,width and height, but the above will fix it.

I read that for flash in mozilla you have to set wmode=transparent.

Jamie Mason

-----Original Message-----
From: Jamie Mason
Sent: 07 June 2005 10:05
To: 'wsg@webstandardsgroup.org'
Subject: absolute positioning, objects & inputs


This page is a quick example, it's got form inputs and a flash file with nothing done to them, then OVER THE TOP of that, is a blue absolutely positioned <div>.

In IE - The <select> appears above the <div> In Mozilla - The flash appears above the <div>

Does anyone know a decent way around this?

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