Apparently the MIME/DOCTYPE argument of XHTML vs HTML has been going on for a while, a bit out of my scope. I only have one argument to contribute, which I don't believe I've seen before and may be of some value.

On Jun 7, 2005, at 7:17 AM, Rimantas Liubertas wrote:

Yes. Only critical thing for the Web standards is _understanding_ them
(and HTML4 _is_ a standard, you know?), not just using something that
is cool and much talked about.
And understanding includes knowing pros and cons and when and _why_ to use each.

I (my company, my team, my clients) am interested in standards only so far as they make the future more predictable. To make the future more predictable, my code today needs to be more regimented.

HTML is a standard; it is broadly supported today, but its future is a predictable dead end. Any future versions of a document coded in HTML will need to be coded from scratch, or a custom parser will need to be made to convert it to some future standard (or close enough that hand-tweaking the rest is ok). Because HTML is more loosely defined, it is more difficult for teams to code to a regimented standard, making the prospects of even a custom parser unlikely in the future. Things don't *have* to become sloppy just because the team codes in HTML, but it will be difficult to tell if they are becoming sloppy -- so the future is not as predictable.

XHTML is a standard; it is poorly supported today, but its future will allow it to be predictably converted to any other XML standard through standardized tools (offline, regardless of MIME type or DOCTYPE). It is a highly regimented standard, with tools already built to help coding teams make their code more predictable.

XHTML is useful to me because I can swap out the DOCTYPE and serve it as HTML, because it *is* HTML, giving it broad support today while giving it a predictable and flexible future. This is, essentially, XHTML-compatible HTML 4.01 Strict.

One of the central tenets of the arguments that we should be coding to HTML instead of XHTML is that the only or primary purpose of using XHTML is that you need XML-based abilities (namespaces, etc.). This is something I agree with. However, it is a mistake to believe that these abilities will be used today, when the document is created, or even tomorrow when it is served from your web server. It might be 5 years from now when the document is inserted as-is into an XML database archive, or 7 years from now when converted to XHTML2, or later this year when you get around to syndicating that content you've been marking up for the past 5 years.

We are coding and serving HTML today; by coding it as XHTML-compatible we can extend the life of the document indefinitely.

And that's all I have to say about that.


        Ben Curtis : webwright
        bivia : a personal web studio
        v: (818) 507-6613

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