Hi Cole,

As far as I know there is not, probably because browsers have different implementations of CSS properties. I think that best way to do it is to know the CSS properties and which elements they theoretically apply to… and then experiment.

Take your example - padding: 0; - for instance… Bottom line you should not have to set this kind of rule because the default for any element is no padding.

W3C specifications say that “Tables have content, padding, borders, and margins.” And “Internal table elements generate rectangular boxes with content and borders. Cells have padding as well. Internal table elements do not have margins.” (http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/tables.html#q2) So, tables and cells should have padding, and they do, but IE normally does not respect rules that cumulate table and cell padding definitions, as happens in the following example:

<table style="padding:40px; border:1px solid black ">
<td style="padding:40px; border:1px solid black ">a</td>

Anyway, the W3Schools CSS2 Reference alerted to this fact, so theirs is a good page to confirm eventual doubts: http://www.w3schools.com/css/pr_padding.asp

I also think that this book is very useful: “Cascading Style Sheets 2.0, Programmer’s Reference” by Eric Meyer.



Cole Kuryakin - x7m wrote:

Is there any guide or cheat sheet out there somewhere which gives the exact properties of each html element which CAN be altered/positioned/styled via CSS?
Like I've been putting:
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
on a default table rule set, but something I've just read "indicates" that tables don't have padding - so the padding rule for tables is useless. I've been doing the same for <tr>s, but something else I came across said that tr's don't have margin or padding properties. I'm trying to streamline my stylesheets and would like to get rid of any superflous rules that don't apply - or have no effect on - specific elements. The easiest way I can think of to do this would be to reference some kind of (easy to understand) document that says - or shows - that you can set the margin of a table, but not the padding, etc.

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