
> I don't have a certain answer, but I have a questions; Why are you
> trying to get your website to work on IE on a Mac?? (OS9)?? You know
> that IE on a mac has been ditched in the new OSX (Tiger). And
> Safari is
> the dominent Browser. You should have a message appear on
> your site for
> any users that are using MAC IE that says "Download Firefox or Use
> Safari, don't use this piece of junk browser" Just my 2 pence. It's a
> fair comment. Im sure others agree.

Absolutely not, you should be making your site accessible to everyone
regardless of which browser/os they use and if you can't make it work, make
sure it degrades gracefully.

Messages saying anything like that are entirely what web standards are

Get FireBug? "Get <censored>... Don't you dare tell me what browser to use."
would be my answer and you'd lose a customer. It may be okay for blogs and
personal sites but many of us do real business websites and there are still
people with old browsers that have money to spend or need access to
information (be it Government or any other information).

If we take your example above, why not tell everyone not using IE 6 on
Windows to go away and get the dominant browser/os?

The question was a perfectly legitimate one.


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