But I am getting the feeling that the reset button is not only a waste of time, but in fact fairly user-unfriendly. ... Seriously: how many people enter data into a form and go so completely wrong that they want to erase everything they have just done and start over new? On the other hand, how many people *accidentally* press the reset button when they actually wanted to hit the submit button?

I think in most forms, a reset button is junk and can only add stress to the site's relationship with the user. The "edit initial information" form mentioned by Justin is the exception.

However, I suspect we'll see more of them for AJAX-powered form submission. Much like previous uses with frames, the form may be persistent while the submission results change. There may be cases for those forms where a new submission ought to start with a blank or initialized slate, and the form is not blanked out via the submission process. There likely will develop a better way to handle it though, since the Javascript needed to handle the form is so much easier than the stuff for such an application.


        Ben Curtis : webwright
        bivia : a personal web studio
        v: (818) 507-6613

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