Thanks for all the suggestions Peter. I hadn't gotten it fixed until I set the width of the li as per your suggestion.
Now the bullets show up in IE as desired.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2005 7:54 AM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Background image in <li> not showing in IE

Cole wrote:
>> I've got a small background icon that I've hooked to a few <li>'s. Displays as planned in FF, but doesn't display at all in IE6.
Any ideas how I can fix this in IE?

not sure if youve solved this by now but often i find if you specify a background colour (instead of transparent), IE will play along nicely.

so instead of :
li.signInOptions {background: transparent url(../../admin/i/info.jpg) 0 5px no-repeat}
li.signInOptions {background: #fff url(../../admin/i/info.jpg) 0 5px no-repeat}

of course, then thats a pain if you have a background image that needs to sit on varying background colours. you may end up needing to feed specific colours to certain uses, eg...
#nav li.signInOptions {background-color:#ccc}
...if the li's needed to sit within a navigation area that has a background of #ccc
the other thing to try when IE isnt displaying a background image is to specify a width on the li.

pete ottery

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