Kim Kruse wrote:


On this page I have some sort of problem in FF and other Gecko browsers.

The images just don't show up unless I scroll the page, mouseover the links or reload the page. Does anybody know why?

The page looks the same in FF-1.0.4 and IE-6 on Windows-2000.

There is an image of some buildings with the words "Esrum Mollegard" at the top of the page. The nav bar with six items is directly under that image. The nav items roll-over.
Under the nav bar is an image with the words "Aktivitets eksempel"
Under that is a lot of text with an up-arrow at the bottom.
On the right side is a side bar with some links and two pictures of people.
All of this is followed by a horizontal blue bar with what looks like contact information.

This is in both Firefox and InterNET Explorer.

The page looks pretty complete to me, but then I can't read it.
What are you missing?


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