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On Jun 27, 2005, at 2:31 PM, Roberto Gorj

Olá a todos!

I’ve read Ian Hickson and Stuart Langridge objections to the use of XHTML without serving it as application/xhtml+xml. I also read the article “WaSP Asks the W3C” (http://www.webstandards.org/learn/ askw3c/sep2003.html) and I decided that I sure am not going to create two versions of my sites just for the sake of serving XHTML as it should to browsers which can understand it, as suggested at the W3C tutorial about “Content-Negotiation” (http://www.w3.org/ 2003/01/xhtml-mimetype/content-negotiation).

Anyway, I noticed that many of you use XHTML and I sure was beginning to enjoy using it myself, and it seemed to me a good way to practice for the inevitable future… is it? I mean: a good way to practice, as I believe that XML is the inevitable future… I’m initiating now my study on PHP and MySQL and I read some objections about using XHTML with PHP… Will XHTML interfere with my learning of PHP? Would it be a good idea to stick with good old plain HTML?

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