
> Roger Hudson and I have been conducting some tests into the difference
> between "id" and "headers" vs "scope" - to see which of these options was
> more widely supported in assistive devices.

Thanks for this very informative article!

I've got a question regarding a similar problem. I've got to define a
common styleguide for complex data tables. The data contained within
these tables will consist of several rows and columns (>20x1000). So I
think that it will be best practice to let the user define his own
views on the data. In each view he can select a subset of columns,
which he needs for the current task, that he's working on. At the same
time there should only 10-15 rows be displayed at a time. (All this
has to be managed on the server side)
So I've got to define a controller section within the table from which
the user can choose the view and the "page" of displayed rows.

How would you markup this controller-part of the table. This is
neither a header nor data, isn't it?

Further each row/cell shall be editable. I think that the best way
would be to make the rows selectable and let the user edit this
specific row in a division under the table and submit to the server
for integration after editing.

This edit area may be a seperate table. But how to include the
selection criterias (input[type=radio|checkbox]) in the table. td? th?

The footer of the table shall contain some standard buttons for
choosing what to do with the selection... the same problem.

What do you think? Should one place all these controller stuff inside
the table or better put it outside in seperate divs?


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