kvnmcwebn schrieb:
'this article by Lloyd Dalton helpful

thanks, thats very clean.

What do you think of the comment/example from stylo at the bottom of this


Sorry, I don't have any scripting knowledge, so I can't comment that. Or did you mean that use of Conditional Comments? I think they are helpful:

I have the fear that filter aren't that standards-related, though, and some of the reflections are made in the ALA article comments show this, if I am not wrong.

As you have seen, there aren't many tutorials about filters out there, and I think this is related to the actual know-how, and technical- and standards-problems arise when it comes to filter.

Personally, I have never had a real use for filter, my test page I mentioned just notes some problems while debugging someone's page on css-d.

But I know there was a loud echo once a better png-support was announced for MSIE7 (louder than the cry for real bugfixes, and that's the real desaster in my opinion), so there seems to be the intensive need for transparency options.

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