> How much JavaScript do you know?

Next to none.

> What kind of things about DOM Scripting need clarifying?

Potential pitfalls, how browser support differs and what constitutes

> Do you want to see examples of "cool stuff" with a kind of "DOM
> Scripting for dummies" style explanation or more sober articles with
> a more geeky leaning?

Geek me up.

> Please share your personal experiences: what's your skill level with
> JavaScript compared to say, CSS or XHTML? What's your opinion of
> JavaScript?

I'm reasonably confident with XHTML and CSS, but haven't really touched
JavaScript yet. It's looming as an important aspect of my work, so I want
to use it the 'right' way from the start. In the past I've frowned on
JavaScript often because the sites that relied on it annoyed me. Now I
think it has good applications for accessibility and seems more robust. It
will always be 'icing on the cake' for our site, though, because we still
support browsers (and users) who don't deal with it.

> The answers you give will really, really help determine the direction
> that the Task Force takes.

I look forward to it. Thanks in advance for the effort.


> Thanks,
> Jeremy
> --
> Jeremy Keith
> a d a c t i o
> http://adactio.com/

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