Wasn't the original css ( * html body {display;none;}  ) meant as a joke to hide all content from IE users?

I would simply hate to see someone plop that into their code and scratch their head for the next hour trying to figure out what went wrong.






what does body{display:none;} do for SEO?" then the answer is not very much.


Taking Googlebot and Slurp as examples, they don't parse CSS or script, they want content within the HTML and that's it. Most hidden elements, i.e. white text on white background or display: none; for example contain spammy keywords which will be parsed and ignored as appropriate.


Rule: write grammatically correct and verbose content and them search engines will lap it up, regardless of how you present it. That's my experience anyway.






And what this mean for SEO

"body, html {display: none!important;}" ?

On 6/1/05, David Laakso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

body, html {display: none!important;}



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