On Jul 21, 2005, at 8:29 AM, Drake, Ted C. wrote:

I hope this is on-topic.

Javascript and DOM are web standards, and on topic. They just aren't talked about much.

Many of us are already using the great Zebra Tables from Alistapart.com It requires an onload event for the body tag and to include a link to the
javascript file.

Your solution is to add the onload handler within the script, instead of within the body tag. Then you can include the script whenever you need it.

If there are no other onload handlers, and never will be (you know the future, right?), then you can assign it easily enough by adding these lines to the end of the referenced script file:

    window.onload = foo;

...where "foo" is the name of the function you want to call onload. Be careful: you are adding a reference to the function, and you are not *calling* the function here. That's why there are no parentheses after foo. Here's how I remember that: parens mean "do this", so when the window "does" its onload, it calls "onload()". If you assigned "foo()" to "onload", then the window would call "onload()()" and that's not right, is it? The parens get added when the thing happens; for now, don't put them in.

Now, a cleaner way to add the onload is to preserve any existing onload handler, instead of overwriting it. That way you can add a fancy shmancy javascripted menu system later. You could write your own function, or use this:

    function addToOnLoad(fn) {
        var Prev = window.onload || function () {};
        window.onload = function () { Prev(); fn(); }


This function is drastically simplified from the truly compatible version (but works Win IE5-6, Gecko, Safari, not Mac IE, although I *thought* it did). To use it, *all* onload handlers need to be assigned this way; the first one assigned in the body tag throws out all the others. So:


The DOM provides a better means to do this, but IE isn't on board with it yet, so there are a hundred scripts out there for this basic idea.


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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