Thanks Nils.  I've got it fixed now.  

You were close, but not exactly correct.  It turned out it was not the image
itself, but the size of the div containing the image that was the culprit.
I needed to set the left and right margins to -10px to override the 10px
padding of the containing div.   The reason I missed it, was that I had that
set correctly in an earlier version of the style sheet, and forgot to copy
across the #masthead div to the new style sheet.

Thanks a lot for helping - you pointed me at the error I'd been hunting for
for hours.

And thanks for your comments about the link colours.  They were decided by
the client and I've advised her to change them.  Waiting to see what she

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
Macromedia Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
AFP Webworks Pty Ltd
Full Scale ColdFusion hosting from A$15/month

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Nils Kr. Falch
Sent: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Need a fresh eye - cite check please

On 7/26/05, Michael Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I need a fresh eye on this ... I've run out of things to try.  Can
> anyone see why in IE, I have a 10px gap at the right of the container div,
> but in Firefox it looks how it's supposed to.    The image of Patty in the
> masthead graphic should touch the right border, as should the horizontal
> rules in the navigation menu and the footer.

It is probably the width of the image in the masthead that is causing
the problem.
The container is 660px wide whereas the image has a set width of 670.
Reducing the image width or increasing the container width seems to
fix the gap problem,

> Any other criticism or comments would be welcome too, if you felt like
> making them.

Just a note on the colour choise. Neither red text on red background
or red text on black background are a wise choise. It is too little
contrast between the colours. I especially had some problem reading
the link text.

I would recomend the Color contrast checker:
That was posted  in "Some links for light reading" the other day

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