On Jul 29, 2005, at 12:43 PM, Thierry Koblentz wrote:

One thing though--  what happens to mailto: links?

Good point! To be honnest with you I didn't even think about these :)
But they are "safe" because I'm checking for an "HTTP" string inside the
attribute's value.

I think you ought to check specifically that 'http://' is at the beginning of the string. This would help rule out false positives like these:

    <a href="/protocols/about_http.html">Find out about HTTP</a>
<a href="/affiliate.asp?ref=http://foo.com/bar.php";>Set your affiliation reference cookie</a>

In your code you have:

    a[i].getAttribute('href').toUpperCase().indexOf("HTTP") >= 0

...and I think you might be better with:

    a[i].getAttribute('href').toUpperCase().indexOf("HTTP://") == 0

And other than the design choice of whether all external links ought to open a new window, I think you've got something good. I like your idea of attaching the style and title with javascript so as to leave the natural behavior intact.

Personally, I prefer the rel attribute, because when done well you are expressing the arbitrary relationship the current document has to the target document. If you only use rel to basically say "open a new window" then that's not very semantic and it's coupling markup and behavior closely. But if you use rel to say "some links are for other content, others are for examples and figures, and either can be external sites," and then use JS to set examples and figures on external sites to open in new windows, then you're golden. Your rel is meaningful and your behavior is attached to the meaning of the markup.


    Ben Curtis : webwright
    bivia : a personal web studio
    v: (818) 507-6613

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