Chris Kennon wrote:

This would be explicit?

<label for="foo">Foo

And this implied?

<input type=text id="foo" name="foo" />

It can be a tad confusing, as the spec itself uses "implicit" in two different ways:

1) a form control such as a submit button has its own *implicit* label already contained within it

<input type="submit" value="implicit label" /> and does not need a label element.

2) when talking about labels associated with form controls, however, using a "for" attribute and related "id" is *explicit*

<label for="foo">explicit label</label>
<input type="text" id="foo" name="foo" />

and not using "for", but wrapping the form control inside the actual label element is what's referred to as *implicit*

<label>implicit label <input type="text" name="foo" /></label>

The "belt and braces" approach when using labels is to make the label both explicit (via "for") *and* implicit (by wrapping the control in the label)

<label for="foo">explicit and implicit label <input type="text" id="foo" name="foo" /></label>

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
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