On 8/8/05 2:05 AM "Vinod Sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> sent this out:

> Dear Prabhat
> Please don't send this type of message. Hope by mistake this type of message
> are coming in my id.. I am not related to this message. Please do the needful.
> Regd

It seems you need to login to the Web Standards Group server and

Go here <http://webstandardsgroup.org/> and scroll down and do the Member

Then, click on Unsubscribe and you'll be on your way very soon.

Is that what you need?

Rick Faaberg

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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