This page should be it:

Kay Smoljak wrote:
On 8/6/05, Drake, Ted C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Sorry for a possibly off-topic post.  We have a client on our intranet that
needs to look at our site on OS9.2.  I couldn't find information on the
Firefox web site about compatibility with this platform. Does anyone know
where I could send this person for more advice?

I had a client with OS9 who were using Netscape 4 (!), and I got them
to upgrade to Netscape 7. The later builds don't support OS9, but
earlier ones do, so if you look around you should be able to find one.

Dejan Kozina
Dolina 346 (TS) - I-34018 Italy
tel./fax: +39 040 228 436 - cell.: +39 348 7355 225  - e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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