I use this: onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;" instead of target="_blank".

+1 for onclick="return !window.open(this.href)" - successfully tested with some blockers etc. - better than returnig false everytime (nothing happens then if JS is enabled but the window can't be opened).

Or maybe onclick="this.taget='_blank'" ?

By replacing the target with the script, we are bypassing the issue of 
screenreaders and portable devices getting confused with multiple windows.

No, we're just moving the behavior to its appropriate place - the scipting. The UA can then have those features disabled, or ask the user etc., that's fine. It only shouldn't be in the document itself, where it does not belong. The usage certailny has to be well considered...

Jan Brasna aka JohnyB :: www.alphanumeric.cz | www.janbrasna.com
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