> Are the disabed really the main priority when it comes to web
> standards? 

Not exactly, they're just one of many groups that benefit. They happen
to benefit quite a lot, of course.. :)

Standards benefit pretty much everyone, whether they realise it or
not. Standards compliant sites are generally (not always) more
lightweight (faster for the user), easier to update, rank better in
search engines etc. There's also the consideration of making your
sites future-robust (I never say future *proof* :)). Stick to
standards and you have a better chance that they'll still work in the
next version of browser X.

If nothing else, you - as in the developer - should be a priority for
going with standards, since it'll be you doing updates and fixing bugs

> Is there really that many disabled internet users? I would like to know. :)

Well I've often said that search engines are blind, deaf, mobility
impaired users with scripting and plugins turned off
So there are a couple of disabled users like Google that you probably
want to cater to in some way :)

More directly on your question though, there's enough out there in
America alone that Microsoft decided they could make money from them.
M$ commissioned a study which showed 57% of all computer users are
likely to benefit in some way from "accessible technology"

Figures vary, but they generally show a significant number of either
"disabled" or "people who benefit". With an ageing population in many
countries, simple things like being able to resize text will become
more important.



--- <http://www.200ok.com.au/>
--- The future has arrived; it's just not 
--- evenly distributed. - William Gibson
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