
That's a very curious thing for the W3C to publish. I am not aware of any HTML standard in which b and i are deprecated. Can anyone cite such a declaration?

Cant find one myself.  The closest is:

http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/present/graphics.html#h-15./2 (which talks about some "font style elements"):

//Although they are not all deprecated <http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/conform.html#deprecated>, their use is discouraged in favor of style sheets./
/So tt,i,b,big and small are not deprecated while strike, s and u *are* officially deprecated.

Either way, as standards advocates, I believe we *should* avoid these (and other) presentational elements and attributes in our (x)html, whether deprecated or not.

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
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