On Thu, 2005-08-18 at 13:16 +0100, Stephen Francis Johnson wrote:
> Thank you all for your posative comments. My client has a problem with
> the print output of this page. He would ideally like it to print exactly
> as it does on the screen. He is rather adamant about this. What are your
> thoughts on this? Is there a way to satisfy this clients demands? i.e.
> force the browser to print background elements? If not, what would you
> advise a client in this situation? The url again:
> http://www.townguidebooks.bkecreative.co.uk/

It's "possible", but printing of background images is a user-side
setting in most browsers (except for a bug of Opera 7's, that
automatically used the screen style even when a different print
background style was explicitly set, if I recall correctly?), and hence
it is impossible for you to ensure this behaviour: I believe Internet
Explorer defaults to not printing background images.

My advice would be to try and show your client PagesThatSuck(tm) when
printed (as a result of table-based layouts, or whatever else) --
specifically, text cutting off at page margins, illegibility, etc.

Ultimately, however, it's the client's site: we can go so far with
education, but if they aren't willing to listen then it becomes their
own fault. Worst case scenario would be adding a "printable version"
link to pages and... *shudders*


Seriously, though: is it an issue of branding, or a print-world mindset?
Surely if it's a branding thing it should be possible to reach a
compromise -- print style sheet shouldn't translate as "devoid of all
style", one would hope.

Kind Regards,
Joshua Street

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