On Aug 17, 2005, at 8:31 PM, T. R. Valentine wrote:

> On 17/08/05, Scott Swabey (Lafinboy Productions)
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Does a calendar (single month) qualify as tabular data,
>> are ordered lists a better fit, or should I be looking at
>> another option?
> IMO, a calendar is always tabular data.

Ahh, tables!

Here's my 0.02$

Calendars should be marked up using tables not lists.

Tables represent tabular data. Tabular data *does not* need a row identifier
as data can be legitimately consumed in columnar format. Data in the rows
can inherit meaning by the very context they are contained in, i.e. TH,
CAPTION and SUMMARY. TH can be used as a row identifier if it is required in
order to comprehend the data.

CAPTION: March 2005
Sun     Mon     Tue     Wed     Thu     Fri     Sat
        1       2       3       4       5       6
7       8       9       10

Name            Age     Gender
P. Smith        28      Male
S. Bloggs       32      Female

The above models provide a perfectly clear tabular format and should be
marked up as such. As Ben correctly points out, OL is the correct structure
of the *data*, but the *data* isn't complete without identifying headers,
giving the *data* a second dimension, hence a tabular format, hence TABLE is
the correct structure.

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