I'm working on a design using a tweak of Son of Suckerfish[1] for menus.
Rather than have the menus cascade down and to the right (relatively
positioned), I want the sub-menus to position in equally-sized blocks to
the right (absolutely positioned).

HTML: http://capstrat.com/development/example/

CSS: http://capstrat.com/development/example/elements/site.css

If you mouse over the 1st item in the blue box, then the 1st item in the
gold box while using IE, you'll see the issue. The absolutely
positioned gold box contains the grey-background sub-menus. I've nudged
the grey boxes to the left a bit so that you can see where IE renders them.

The gold box 'breaks out' of the blue box just fine because the blue box
is relatively positioned.

If you search for "=:NAVIGATION" in the CSS, you'll find the relevant
code describing the menus. The blue box (parent UL) is

HTML validates and works fine in Firefox and friends. CSS wont validate
because of the opacity filter to appease IE, but removing the offending
code doesn't repair the problem.

Can someone suggest a fix or give some advice that might help me free
the little grey boxes from IE opression?


Scott Reston
Raleigh, NC


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