I like the idea of a 'friendly' accessibility page. "ve got these 'footer pages' that I basically copy across sites instead of thinkingn up new content all the time. My only concern in rewriting this is that some of my clients prefer very formal language for their sites.

Maybe its a case of requiring that I have two versions of both sets, one conversationsal and one formal. Now... anyone want to write up both sets and present them to the WSG members as a template? :o) Seriously, though, I remember a thred on this lista while ago about Accessibility Statement pages and the text that should belong there - everyone seemed to have their own ideas, so who knows...

R  :o)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Terrence Wood"
How about renaming 'accessibility statement' to 'tips for using this site' or something similar and talk about font sizing in there?

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