Herrod, Lisa wrote:
I'm starting to see a new reality show... something like 'Rock school' but
it would be called 'standards school'

Well, although it bears no relation to Sydney, or indeed, tertiary education, there is a high school in Victoria teaching standards-based web design. As I think I may have mentioned on the list before, I wrote a few courses, and even delivered some. I was teaching (whilst supervised by a qualified teacher, of course) Year 8 students standards-based web design - coding HTML and CSS from scratch in Notepad. They grasped it pretty quickly, although I suppose that most will forget it or have their knowledge corrupted by future use of FrontPage or something

I've since moved on to a corporate job, but my father is still there teaching a course of mine (with his own modifications) to Year 11 and 12 students

The main problem is that the kind of tutorials and articles that we all learnt from, and the investigation and exploration we all did (and are doing, hopefully) are completely unsuited to teaching a class full of students. Particularly those in high-school

You want to educate the educators? Provide them with material tailored for use in the classroom that they can use immediately

Seona wrote:
Might have considered getting into teaching myself, except that it
would mean I had to deal with students...
Actually, dealing with staff was worse! Students are easy, you just show them cool stuff and they get excited. Staff are way too jaded for that to work. They just want stuff that won't take up any extra time in their day. As Andreas said, they don't have time to maintain the requisite knowledge

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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